Mind your Mind by Swami Chidrupananda Ji
The talk seminar titled “Mind your Mind” was held in Patanjali Rishikul by Swami Chidrupananda Ji aiming to foster the understanding of the ultimate power house i.e., Our MIND.
Swami Ji spoke about the strategies on how to ‘Win over the world by simply winning over our mind’. He also stated about the real essence of education, which is teaching concentration to the students.
He spoke about mind being the reservoir of energy. The atmosphere was full flegedly high on energy as he emphasized on our mind being our best friend or the worst enemy, primarily on the ideas of how we perceive and react to situations. The Idea of thoughts being energy; and mind being the better flow of thoughts was highly intellectual and subjugated.
Focusing on the scientific relativity of iron and mangnetic fields Swamiji easily engrossed students into the idea of mind and its connection to work, commitment and productivity. Statistically he also mentioned the percentage of mind and thoughts engrossed to different time frames of individual life phases like past thoughts revisited (40%), future worries (40%), present self created stress (9%), purposeless activities (9%), leaving a person with only 2% of overall mind in present state.
The key takeaway from the session was practical strategies for nurturing and creating a synergy
between our body and mind for its maximum utilization. The session empowered the students to take proactive steps towards maintaining a healthy balance between the two prime elements of human anatomy- the body and mind(brain).
The seminar ended with the Principal Nityanand Singh expressing his gratitude to Swamiji on
imparting such precious knowledge to the students.